2007年11月21日 星期三

As long as I have music

Music by Don Besig, words by Don Besig and Nancy Price

When the world seems far beyond me, and I have no place to go;
When my life seems cold and empty and I feel I'm all alone;
Then a song that I remember helps to ease my troubled mind,
and I find the the strength within me to reach out just one more time.
For as long as I have music, as long as there's a song for me to sing,
I can find my way, I can see a brighter day,
the music in my life will set my spirit free!

When the road is dark and lonely, and I feel I want to cry;
When the dreams I keep inside me seem to fade and almost die;
Then I call upon my music, and it helps to dry my tears.
And I know that I can make it;
I'll go on despite my fears.
For as long as I have music, as long s there's a song for me to sing,
I can find my way, I can see a brighter day.
The music in my life will set my spirit free, set it free!



人人心中都有自己的歌,無論搖籃曲,民謠,rock,Jazz,流行曲,宗教曲,藝術歌曲甚或國歌,只要真喜歡,那就唱它吧! 唱唱唱,自會有你個人的味道進去了! 慢慢地哼,甚至可哼出一首獨創的歌呢,哇! 我居然也可能是周杰倫、莫札特、或 Andrew Lloyd Weber(<貓>劇等的作曲家)?!是不是很有成就感?

這首As long as I have music是四分溪合唱團十周年演唱會的主題曲。均齡61歲阿公阿嬤們,歷練了大半輩子歲月,無論或樂或苦,本來是獨自品嚐,那晚,他/她們藉由歌聲,唱出來與你我分享。雖是業餘團體,因著豐富的經歷,感情的表達似乎更貼切,更是動人心弦!

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